We are much delighted to introduce our new residential apartment project TRINITY SHARONNA. The project is a 9 storied apartment located in plot #06, Baten Nagar Residential Area(Mazar road), Tolarbag, Mirpur, Dhaka. The location is very calm, quite & secured place & free traffic congestion. This can be great habitable location for peace loving people. The entire environment of Baten Nagar Residential Area is quite & calm, away from the din & bustle of the city crowd. The complex is ideally located & a short distance from school, colleges, universities, mosque, hospital, post office, shopping complex etc.
While designing, architects put the best offer on maximization of functional aspects as well as the aesthetics of the project. Creating responsive openness & comfort. The apartments in this complex are expression of contemporary architecture, equipped with modern, stylish & elegant fittings & fixtures.
Constriction work of TS has already commenced & the tentative date of completion is June 2014.
TS is proposed to have four unit apartments on each floor. Ground floor is reserved for car parking, reception, guard room, toilet, utility space etc.& this project is ready to back up the lift, water pump & circulation space.
The project must be completed in due time but extendable if it becomes necessary on account of force measure. TS will be handed over on or before 30th June 2014.
Interested persons are requested to visit the side to know the neighborhood, quality & speed of the construction work with permission from the management.
So far we believe that the location will be attractive to all.
Trinity Developments Limited will make allotment of all apartment of trinity, a modern and luxurious apartment complex, consisting of the self-contained apartments, reserved car parking spaces, other features as described in this brochure, subject to the following terms conditions
Applications for allotment of apartments should be made be the interested buyers on the prescribed application from duly signed by the applicant alone with the booking money 30% of the total flat value. Trinity Developments Limited has the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason thereto. On acceptance of an application the company will issue an allotment letter to the applicant on which the applicant/allotment shall start payments as per schedule of payments to be provided along with the allotment letter. Booking money will be refunded against non-accepted applications with 7(seven) days from the date of deposit of the same.
Preference of allotment:
Allotment of apartments shall be made on a first come served basis. Buyers willing to make full payment at a time or payment is fewer installments than the schedule will be given preference.
All payments should be made in favour of trinity Developments Limited in the form of demand draft or pay order issued by any schedule Bank of Bangladesh or by crossed cheque of any schedule Bank of Bangladesh. Bengladeshes residing abroad may remit payments in foreign exchange by telegraphic transfer or by demand draft as per exchange rate issued by Bangladesh bank on the date of application and subsequently as on the date of installments due.
Delay of payments:
Payments of installments, car park and all other charge are to be made on due dates. The company may issue reminders to the allottee but notwithstanding the issue of reminders, the allottee must adhere to the schedule of payment to ensure timely completion of construction. Delay in payments beyond the due date will make the allottee liable to pay a charge of 3% per 60 days on the amount of payment delayed.
Cancellation of Allotment:
For delays in payment beyond 90 days the company shall have the right to cancel the allotment. In such an event the amount paid by the allottee will be refunded after again sold the flat to other buyers and after deducting the 5% money of total flat value.
Deed of Agreement:
Immediately after payment of the Down payment, Trinity Developments Limited and the allottee shall execute an agreement for safeguarding the interest of the allottee as well as the company.
Possession and land transfer:
Possession and title of apartment shall rest with Trinity Developments Limited unit payments of the installments and all other charges/dues are made in full. Allottee will own an undivided and unremarked proportionate of the land. The proportionate land will be registered in the name of the Allottee at the cost of the allottee.
Allotment Transfer:
Allottee can transfer the allotment to third party at any time but it will be informed to the developer. Allottee will be charged of TK 100000/-(One Lac) only as transfer fees with the application for transfer to a third party.
Service Facilities Cost:
Connection fees, security deposit and other incidental charge and costs related to Gas, Water, Sewerage and electric connections are to be paid by the Allottee.
Documentation Cost:
The allottee shall bear all costs related to sale permission, transfer/registration of the apartment and the(undivided-undemarcated) proportionate share of land. Income Tax (IT),Value Added Tax(VAT) and other cost(if any) as charged by the Government shall also be borne by the Allottee with incidental charges.
Minor changes may be incorporated by Trinity Developments Limited in design and specification should these become necessary. Allottee shall also have the option to make minor internal change within the possibilities and limitations of total building system. There is no option to change any outer elevation.
Time schedule of construction:
Construction of trinity Developments Limited is scheduled to be started on November 2011.The time schedule is methodically prepared to ensure both high quality and smooth progress of work. Work is scheduled to be completed within 31 months from the date of commencement of work i.e.by June 2014.The time schedule may only be extended 3 months as consideration of grace period by a reasonable time limit due to unforeseen circumstances which are beyond the control of the company.
If the project abandoned for any reason the control of Trinity Developments Limited such as act of God, Economic depression, policy of Government etc. the company will refund the entire money deposited by the allottee within 120 days from the announcement made to this effect. Allottee will not be entitled to any other claim whatsoever.
Co-operative Society:
In the intent of all the occupants of the apartment complex, Trinity Developments Limited an ”Apartment Owner`s Association” will be formed. Each Allottee, after payment of installments will be a member of the association.
Trinity Developments Limited. Rights:
The company reserves the right to make change in architectural design or interior design of the project for overall interest of the project. Trinity Developments Limited reserves to reschedule the construction time for any reason beyond the control the company.